Train2EU Launched Successfully in Brussels!

Train2EU logo_nieuw

On 18 November, a group 0f 25 young professionals from across Europe converged in Brussels to launch Train2EU, the truly European railway company. Train2EU stands for improving international train travel in Europe and for a better integrated system.

We believe in the power of co-operation: overcoming the divide of competition, we unite young professionals of many European railway companies, who share a passion for European rail travel. We are TRAIN2EU: the first truly European railway company. A movement, where we work together on more and better cross-border rail-based travelling services in Europe.

Train2EU was founded by four Dutch companies and organisations:

Though there are many facets of the industry which need tending to, Train2EU is focusing firstly on an integrated ticketing system as well as European-wide real time travel information. Meeting us at the Parliament was Wim van de Camp (NL-CDA) as well as two representatives of the Community of European Railways (CER). More information about our goals can be found in this presentation.

In January 2015 we were featured in Railway Gazette International as well as 9292 Reiswijzer. You can read both of these articles here:

“Eindelijk echt internationaal treinvervoer” – 9292 Reiswijzer, January 2015
“Reviving International Passenger Rail in Europe” – Railway Gazette International, Janruary 2015