Visiting European Parliament | Week of International Rail

Datum:Dinsdag 07 november 2023
Tijd:13.00 tot 18.00 uur
Locatie: European Parlement, Wiertzstraat 60, Brussels

Op dinsdag bezoeken we het Europees Parlement (EP) in Brussel. We gaan in gesprek met Parlementsleden en Europese stakeholders. Hoe zetten we in Europa gezamenlijk stappen naar beter Europees railvervoer en hoe kunnen Nederlandse partners hierbij helpen? De werkgroep International rail van Railforum presenteert haar aanbevelingen en jij bent van harte welkom om hierbij aan te sluiten én mee te praten. De voertaal zal Engels zijn. Let op: vervoer van en naar Brussel dien je zelf te regelen.

Aanmelden voor het bezoek aan het Europese Parlement kan via de website van Railforum.

On Tuesday, Railforum Netherlands will be visiting the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels. We will engage in discussions with Members of Parliament and European stakeholders. We will explore how, collectively in Europe, we can take steps towards improving European rail transport, and how Dutch partners can contribute to this effort. The International Rail Working Group of Railforum Netherlands will be presenting its recommendations, and you are welcome to join and participate in the discussion. Please note that you are responsible for arranging your own transportation to and from Brussels.

Register yourself for the visit of the European Parliament on the website of Railforum.


13.00Walk in and registration
14.00Welcome and introduction to the European Parliament | Dorien Rookmaker, Member of Parliament
14.15Introduction Railforum Netherlands and presentation of recommendations | Reinout Wissenburg, Railforum Netherlands
15.30Panel discussion on the recommendations with:
- Dorien Rookmaker | EP
- Kristian Schmidt | DG Move
- Robert-Jan Ruifrok | Transport attaché Netherlands
- Thomas Rudner | EP
- Wim van de Camp | former ambassador EYOR
16.30Contribution from the youth | Including Marleen van de Kerkhof, Jonge Veranderaars
16.45Networking reception and guided tour
18.00End of the event

Are you joining us?